Friday, April 5, 2019

How to Make a Turmeric Face Mask for Brighter Skin

The weather is about to break and your skin doesn’t have that summer glow.

No need to worry. With basic items found in your kitchen, you can transform your skin from dull to delicious.

Keep reading to learn how.

Turmeric has been used for over 4,000 years. It is well-known in South East Asia for its beauty and health benefits. In fact, it is inexpensive and simple to use. People consume this miracle plant for an immune system boost, improved brain function, anti-inflammatory properties, and improvement of joint health.

But turmeric doesn’t have to be ingested for it to work its wonders. Did you know it also helps to improve the look of your skin? You can create a mask to help lift away dead skin cells.

Now get to your pantry or closest market for the necessary items.

1 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon organic apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoon of organic honey
1 teaspoon milk or yogurt
Measuring spoons
Small bowl
Latex gloves (optional)
Make-up brush (optional)
You can adjust the measurements to suit your preference.

Step 1:
Mix ingredients in a small bowl. The paste should be smooth but not dripping.

Step 2:
Apply the mask to your face with either your hands or a make-up brush.
Because the turmeric can cause a yellowish tint to your hands and nails,
gloves and a make-up brush can help prevent this from happening.

Step 3:
Let the mask sit on your face for 15-20 minutes. Go take a seat and listen to music or a guided meditation.

Step 4:
Gently wash off the mask with warm water. A dark-colored washcloth can be used to remove the mask.

Do not be alarmed if your skin has a slight yellowish tint. The color will fade within a couple of hours.

If you like the results but feel your skin could look better feel free to make the mask for a few nights in a row. However, if you have sensitive skin it may be best to spread out the number of times you use it.

But regardless of your skin type, a turmeric face mask will help rejuvenate your skin. Making you the object of everyone’s attention.